3 more days...

Well 1 more day of work and 3 more days til we leave for the beach!! Of course everyone is soo excited especially my girls! We have been to the beach every year since Makenna was born, so it is a tradition that we take at least 1 family beach vacation every year! Ryleigh (my 3 yr old) asks everyday is it beach time yet?? I say no we leave saturday morning and then is it Saturday? She is in that wanting to know everything stage! I love it she is soo adorable.. Makenna my 9 year old (I cant believe she is 9 already!!) Is sooo ready as well!! She is picking out her wardrobe to take to the beach. My mission this year is to PACK LIGHT! every year I over pack clothing wise and this year I'm going to pack 2 nice outfits each all of our bathing suits (us girls have at least 4 a piece) and then some lounging around clothes since I wash clothes and towels constantly while we are there.. Im attaching a few of my favorite beach pictures I took a couple years ago from Topsail.. Topsail has the perfect spot for those nice family beach pictures (at the point). Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!!


TS said…
Uh-may-zing pictures! I would have those blown up to poster size in my house! Love'em. Have a good vaca!
Unknown said…
Thanks Torie!! I actually did blow a couple of them up and put on Canvas.. of course the ones with Rob and the girls.

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