WHEW... what a week, can we say HECTIC!!!!!!

So I get back in town from a great vacation and things have been HECTIC ever since.. I haven't published a "good" trip blog yet which I will when things calm down a bit.. So Monday I had to take both girls to the Dr. both have sinus infections I'm sure because the Florida flowers were still in bloom and the weather changing from 76 to 56 in 1 day didn't help much either.. Oh well it was still great..

Monday- I had to leave work early to take the girls to the Dr. both sick Ryleigh worse Makenna just starting to get it.

Tuesday- get up early to go vote 1.5 hr wait because I forgot I had a hair apt. that night plus I had to go find Rob a Birthday gift as well..

Wednesday- HAPPY 39Th BIRTHDAY ROB... so its Robs birthday 39 year YOUNG!! I swear he doesn't look it.. he looks great for his age.. just hope that mid life crisis doesn't kick in anytime soon! LOL so we didn't do a whole lot just stayed at home this night I baked him pumpkin spice bread for his bday instead of the traditional bday cake..

Thursday- I get a call from School Makenna is sick with a 102 temp. (now she wasn't that bad on Monday) so the Dr. gave her some antibiotics which is helping!!

Today- a couple Fridays ago I had to go to the Dr. for an ultrasound of my gallbladder, Well my gallbladder is fine but they found some kind of spot on my kidney. So today I have to go to have a DREADED MRI! UGG I hate these things.. being shoved in a small tube (I'm claustrophobic) isn't my idea of FUN PEOPLE.. Plus I have to drink barium which is about the consistency of GLUE with the taste of chalk! YUCKY oh and they do put a hint of orange in it I guess to make you think its good BLAH!! ITS NOT.. Plus the Dye they are injecting as well isn't too fun either.. anyway they are looking at my insides intestines and all my belly organs to be sure everything is A OK.. Which I'm sure it is!!

SO needless to say I have had a hectic week and will post better Disney pics and blog as soon as thing settle around here.. hope all is well is everyone else's world!! until next time.....


The Presnell's said…
Yikes!! First off happy birthday to Rob!! It's no fun when your babies are sick. :( I have strepp throat right now. So, it's not fun my way either. waaaaah

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