Ahh what a great Thanksgiving and wonderful weekend..

We had such a great Thanksgiving! We went to my moms and had Thanksgiving with the whole family! Most all of my family was there.. My grandpa and Sandy (step grandma) came in from Pennsylvania and its always so nice to visit with them!! Both my brothers and step brothers came with there families and my sister and hers.. We had a ball!!

Friday morning my sister was here BRIGHT (well not so bright) and EARLY at 2:45 AM to get started with our Black Friday shopping which this year we didnt spend so much! But we got to toysrus around 330 and stood in line til 5 and it was COLD!! but worth it in the long run! We then headed to the mall and met up with my brother got some more shopping done and by then were wearing down.. Then we met my mom and Sandy and all went out for Breakfast Yum.. then to Target, Shoe Carnival and Walmart.. Then HOME.. I jumped in the shower and then into the bed for about 3 hours.. and I was STILL EXHAUSTED.. We then went to my moms to visit the with my grandpa and Sandy for a bit I drank some coffee with him (BIG MISTAKE) this mixed with my 3 hour nap kept me up until 2 am and then I got up at 6am UGGG...

Saturday I didnt do a whole lot still adjusting to not much sleep from the night before and feeling crappy so I didnt get a whole lot done at all but sleep and lay around most of the day.. went back to my moms visited with the grandparents some more because they were leaving in the morning to go back home.. Went home fell in the bed around 10 and slept til 8! Yippie woke up felling well rested!!

Sunday morning got up drank some coffee did some wash and got ready for our family pictures for my dad.. since this is what he wanted for Christmas a picture of all his children together.. We went to Portrait innovations had our photos taken 2 hours after out apt time.. DON'T GET ME STARTED!!! We then all went to eat at buffalo wild wings and came home! Whew what a weekend.. I attached a few pics.. enjoy!


Jennifer said…
Great pix!! Hate we missed you at toys r us! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!
TS said…
Whoa you are a Black Friday pro! Good pictures!!
The Presnell's said…
Wow, those pictures are great!!!! :)
Anna Morrison said…
I enjoyed looking at those. Thanks! You are looking good Erin! :)

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