Mercury Direct.... FINALLY!

The retrograde is coming to a close tomorrow… 5 things to expect!

So what can you expect to happen?

Open mouth, remove foot.

During Mercury Retrograde you probably noticed a lot of people (perhaps yourself included) saying things that were either inconsiderate, ill-advised, stupid, offensive, or just plain wrong. This is one of the most common affects of the communication planet's difficult period, but as the retrograde winds to a close you'll find that people are once again more careful -- or at least considerate -- about what they say. Disagreements that occurred over the last three weeks but seemed impossible to smooth out will be easier to rectify now, and you can go ahead and offer (or accept) that apology without worry that you're a). making a mistake or b.) going to say something that only makes things worse in the process.

Decisions, decisions.

You may have been a bit indecisive for the past few weeks -- another common experience during Mercury Retrograde. It's tough to be clear-cut during this twisty time and in truth, you're better off for having delayed choices until now, because with Mercury resuming direct motion, the path to clarity has, well, cleared! Whether this manifests itself in sudden decision-making or offers from others whose processes were also on hold will depend on your particular situation. One thing is for sure -- if there was something you were putting off (a contract, a move, a trip, a business decision), the situation will open itself up to resolution now that Mercury is turning direct. And you're safe to be decisive -- the time to make a choice has come!

Ah, memories!

Mercury Retrograde brings with it forgetfulness. We find ourselves doing fuzzy math -- and fuzzy everything where thinking is involved! Luckily, with Mercury turning direct, you can expect the fog to lift. Issues that seemed murky over the past few weeks should start to crystallize and you'll be far more capable of moving forward out of your funk! The ability to concentrate comes back to you and now it's up, up and away!!

Planes, trains and automobiles…

Transportation is screwed when Mercury is in Retrograde. Whether it was car accidents, traffic jams, flight delays or overbooked trains, you've probably seen some form of mobile coagulation over the past few weeks -- and in all likelihood you even experienced some snafu of this sort yourself! The great news is that as Mercury resumes direct motion, the figurative roads of the universe aren't the only ones that clear up! Getting from place to place will be much easier now and you can feel free to travel (short and long distances) without fearing major delays or trouble of most any other kind!

Hold no more!

It's time to finish projects that sat on hold during Mercury Retrograde. Whether it was due to fuzziness of mind, unforeseen delays, someone's non-committal behavior or anything else, the barriers should lift now and give way to progress. Now is the perfect time to start fresh as well. The point is, the gates have been lifted and the time for holding back is over. So whether you want to move ahead with a business venture, a creative project, a relationship, or anything else, get going! Cosmically at least, there's no longer anything stopping you!


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