Lions, Zebras and Bears OH MY!

There were no Tigers so I improvised.. Anyway so while Rob was in Atlanta for work this weekend I tried to figure out something fun to do with the girls on Saturday. We've been to Sci works and The Children's museum many times , The movies eehh that just wasn't gonna cut it so I searched on the Internet what to do in Winston for kids.. There really isn't much to do that we havent done already. So I thought Hmm The Zoo, why not the Zoo and that's what we ended up doing going to the NC Zoo..

We got up early Saturday morning took showers ate breakfast and headed out around 10:30 a little late but still not horrible.. 3 girls getting ready in the morning just isn't the smoothest! So we headed down the road and got there around 11:45 so not too bad considering this was my 1st time taking them by myself and not very good with directions. I used one of Robs old GPS things and it got me there so that helped! We pull up and both girls are excited ready to see all the animals!! We started out Ryleigh was in her stroller and we made it about 10 mins into the Zoo and she decides she wants to walk.. Ok not a problem I took the stroller back to the car. Both girls did so good walking around with no complaining!! It must have been the excitement of it all. We saw all the animals but the 1 animal that Ryleigh really wanted to see was the Giraffe.. We looked and looked and looked and there were no Giraffe there that day Oh well but we did see the Elephants. Zebra, Lions, and the polar bears!! You get the Drift.. All in all it was a great day with my girls!! We left around 4 pm and the girls were WORE PLUM OUT!! They slept the whole way home!!

We get home that evening and My sister and her girls came down to spend some time with us since both our husbands were not home.. Mine in Atlanta for work and hers in Bristol for the race.. I told her how Ryleigh wanted to see the Giraffe and it wasn't there and she said yea because it D-I-E-D!! OH crap I forgot I read that a couple weeks ago!! OH well Ryleigh I guess it was just too hot for him to come out today!! LOL she would be sad if she knew so I thought I would just pass on telling her the real truth!!

Oh I thought this was hilarious had to add.. We saw the baboons and of course they were picking at there fur eating bugs or lice out each others hair and Makenna said EWW so if you eat lice you get a red butt!! hahahahahah


TS said…
You are such an adventurous mom. I had forgot that I wanted to take Eli to the zoo this summer. I really want to get into taking Eli to different places.

You should check out in Mooresville if you need a quick zoo trip.

Tell me more about the Children's musuem. Do you just pay and visit the exhibits??
Unknown said…
Thanks!! I try to make it more fun when daddy is out of town so that we don't get too bored easily but I think Rob gets a little jealous! LOL

Well it was between lazy5 and the Zoo and the Zoo won out!! I have been with Makenna on a
kindergarden field trip and do want to take the girls there as well and ride on the hayride!! I think Ryleigh would really enjoy it and see her Giraffe as well!

The Children's museum (in winston) is fun but small.. and I think it was 6 dollars for kids and 7 for adults to walk through the whole thing. I'm sure they have a website you could find out more information..

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